Microchip-Posts & Interview Quotes




June 23, 2022

 microchips in medicine pills:





August 24, 2021

 Next country the Chinese want to subjugate is Taiwan. China wants to secure its semiconductor and microchip industry. For that purpose, since March they have killed some key positive Dragon members in mainland China and arrested some others. This has weakened the Red Dragon forces in mainland China who have until now been keeping the invasion of Taiwan at bay, as now they have to keep a very low profile in order to survive. This situation is finally being addressed and the Light Forces are taking action to resolve this.




 May 6, 2021


Current vaccines are only a Trojan horse for a potential future technology that the Cabal wants to develop, a biochip that would be inserted into the body and would be tied to a global online digital currency system after the Great Reset for all financial transactions, the so-called “Mark of the Beast”.

DARPA made one step further in this plan by connecting vaccines and biochips:


Needless to say, this “Mark of the Beast” plan will NOT be successful.





March 31, 2021

  Our team has checked some current Covid vaccines in a lab and did not find any microchips larger than 50 micrometers (which is the smallest practical size of a working microchip) in either Astra Zeneca or Cominarty vaccines, but they did detect lipid nanoparticles in Cominarty vaccine.

Although Covid vaccines may have side effects, they are not a tool for depopulation of humanity, as many people are afraid. Nevertheless, the Cabal is using the vaccine passports as a tool for population control, and this is one of the main reasons why Alliance forces have arranged mysterious sabotages and delays in vaccine distribution.





April 14, 2020

The Cabal has ordered the EU countries to keep the borders with Italy open and the outbreak was able to spread throughout Europe, and later with direct flights from Milan to New York also to the United States. The Cabal has also engineered the coronavirus tests to be unavailable in the US for long enough so that the infection could spread, and opposed travel restrictions:

This has allowed Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Tedros Adhanom, George Soros, Jared Kushner, Jiang Zemin and others to further their plans for global vaccination and 18 month lockdowns:

Bill Gates is the mastermind behind this, trying to microchip the population:

Bill Gates had a strong connection with Jeffrey Epstein:

Tedros Adhanom, the head of WHO, has very shady past also:

All of the abovementioned people have a strong financial interest in propagating the virus and then developing a vaccine:

And manipulating the data about the virus:

There is strong opposition to their plans, and Robert Kennedy Jr., a member of the Kennedy White Nobility bloodline, was threatened indirectly by two of his relatives being killed to make him stop his anti-vaccine work:

Instead, RFK Jr. is fighting back, exposing Gates:

The following petition is also going viral, and you can sign if you feel so guided:

And now, Bill Gates Cabal faction is already losing:





 November 6, 2017

 As a positive side effect of the current actions of the Light Forces, there are many
breakthroughs in medicine that will make lives of many people much easier:






 March 10, 2014

Rigelians have even taken a a small number of Pleiadians hostage, transported them to Earth into deep military underground bases under Southwest and microchipped them. This is how it could actually look like in Dulce base somewhere in 1996 or 1997:




 June 18, 2012

 " fears about NWO planning to microchip human population are not based on reality since the population has already been microchipped "




 I N T E R V I E W   Q U O T E S





the microchipping program was active since WWII.  It was carried out through
the vaccination program created by the World Health Organization



 This is one of the reasons ( weakening microchips) why people are beginning to awaken because those
microchips were really strong in the last 15 years.  After they were gone, we had an
explosion of awareness happening in the last years or so.  This is one of the



Q - The French identity cards contains a microscopic solenoid
chip hidden behind the photo. This is standard in America and I think it reads a lot
of information.  Someone asked: in France they say it is place in front of the
throat on the picture.  I’m not sure if  that is consistent for every person.  They
would like to ask you if there is any significance to be placed in front of the
throat or is it simply just a microchip that contains data on that individual. 

COBRA – It is simply a microchip that contains data.  There are more and more
microchipped cards for different purposes being spread around the planet by the
Cabal.   It is simply another aspect of control.


Q- Everyone thinks Jade Helm is like an exercise in military.  She has indicated there
is actually a software, Cobra, called Jade II.  This software is tied into a series
of super computers and all the information being gleaned from FB, from all the
computer programs, everything done on the computer, everything done on your personal
profiles, keyed into facial recognition software, all the RFID chips, all your Credit Cards, phones, everything in the modern world is keyed in, and there’s a huge
data base on you that has a program that is reading probable outcomes to certain
situations based on where you go, what you purchase, everything that they’ve
gleaned, including your B posts.
People are paranoid to go on there are correct.  That is being used and it is
intended to be used as a tool.  This is how she describes it Cobra.  She said, once
that one of these programs start and they initiate this, this program will be like
an information hub.  So originally you send out a bunch of soldiers into different
areas for a Jade Helm operation or something – “special” forces or special programs.
 Police are alerted to do certain things to road block check and force vaccinate.  
Whatever they might possibly do, and that in the cities, all the cameras everywhere
will be accessed by them.  These cameras – some of them have infrared.  They will
determine your blood pulse, how excited you are, the type of movement you’re making.
They will key in . . . Say there are 10 people in a camera shot, Cobra.  And this
intelligent software will give a feedback based on the RFID chips in that camera and
then it will send a program to the big computer and the big computer says, based on
my projection, what was it – the pre-crime. You’re going to commit a crime based on
everything we know about you.  It sends out actions.  There would be an automatic
real-time adjustment by the computer program.  No human would interface.  The
computer program would make a determination: these people are hostile, a critical
situation is there and automatically an order would be sent through this computer
network to the police department, say in Beverly Hills, and it would say: There is a
group of individuals gathering down there in response to some things. Come in hot
and heavy.

COBRA – Okay.  First, this computer program has been activated in1940’s by the
Chimera group which has managed to control the surface of humanity to microchipping
which have started with WHO vaccination programs immediately after the end of WWII.
Second, this program has been developed further exactly in the way you have
described in 1996 with the last Archon invasion. So what you are describing now is
the technology which is at least one and a half to two decades old.  The last part
about the Jade Helm, yes, some forces are using this as a training, a real live
training for this computerized program, but I would say that there is a very
positive element embedded in Jade Helm operation that I will not speak about. So the
dark forces, which would like to misuse this, are in for a big surprise.



 Micro-chipping is no longer a problem.? It was a big problem decades
ago.Actually microchipping campaign began after WWII after the vaccination
campaign of the WHO is late 40s. 1940s and the Resistant Movement has neutralized
all the micro chips so they are no longer active.
( There is one biochip layer remaining on the physical plane )


People have some questions about the veil. You have
mentioned this.  What is the source? Is this strictly from man-made technology and
satellites?  Can you talk about what is the source of the primary thing?  This is
the, I guess you’d call this, the plasma scalar field network.  Is this mostly off
planet or does it work in conjunction with Earth-based technology like cell-phones? 

COBRA – The basis of the bases is very ancient, very old scalar wave technology
which has been here for at least 25,000 years.  I would say the network has been
completed and completely functional for the last 25,000 years.  The last century
more and more additions were made to the veil based upon the evolvement of the
military-industrial complex.  Their own technologies like HAARP, like different,
Gwen Towers for an example, then cell phones were added to the network, microchips –
layers upon layers, infrared scalar devices, radar devices, many layers upon layers,
satellites.  Many of the key-hole satellites are part of the network, and on and on.


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