Biochip Interview Quotes from Cobra



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  • Only The Physical (Biochip) Implant remains.



 a lot of implants being distributed globally through  vaccinations programs with biochips. There was also a certain number of MILAB type  of experiences where they were taken to underground bases and implanted physically  after trauma based mind programming sessions.




 Asperger’s Syndrome is sometimes described as a mild form of autism. In the  past, Asperger’s Syndrome was very rare, or people were not labeled with this. Why  has this syndrome come along now? Is Asperger’s Syndrome a disease in a person’s  astral, etheric or plasma body? 

COBRA – This has increased simply because the Archons have increased the use of  their negative technology such as biochips, such as implants, scalar technologies  and all of these have created the trauma in higher energy bodies and Asperger’s  syndrome is just the outer manifestation of that trauma.




 Are these biochips the same as they etheric implants?

Cobra: No, I will explain. You have in various dimensions, various densities you  have different controlling mechanisms. On the physical plane there are the physical  biochips, which were starting to be developed already in World War 1 and their  development was complete in World War 2 in Nazi Germany in concentration camps.  German industrial giants Siemens was developing those and producing those and they  were put into the vaccines, and at the end of World War 2, a very advanced  vaccination campaign started globally. All kinds of additives, there are many kinds  of vaccinations being developed and deployed. I would say that these vaccination  campaigns are still ongoing since then, it did not stop, it started then without a  break. What happened is that those biochips have been upgraded constantly and there  were newer versions which were released in 1983 and a very strong one in 1996 and  there was a very fast development of those biochips in 1996 and 1999 because there  was the archon invasions and many dracos and reptilians and other races came to this  time and the underground bases and gave their technology and their version of the  biochips. The resistance movement has been able to remove most of this but  unfortunately not all of this. They are working on this now and one aspect is  clearing quite nice and one aspect is not clearing at all at the moment. And then we  have the plasma implants and the etheric implants which are located in exactly the same position. I have described this in my blog, the  locations are the frontal lobe of the brain above the eyes, and one is a little  above the naval, and there is also usually one or two implants on the back side of  the head a the location of the medulla oblongata and those implants in the back of  the head control the reptilian brain or the fight or flight response. 

Louisa: Cobra, are these implants responsible for the miserable headaches that  people are getting? 

Cobra: Yes, exactly, when the biochip is activated or when the implants are clearing  people have strong, nasty headaches sometimes, there is no medical explanation for this. They are triggered , many of them are dormant until people reach a certain  vibrational frequency level and they are sleeper cells in then body and then they  activate , they are trigger activated when people reach a certain vibrational  frequency or they begin to become too dangerous for the matrix that’s why they are  usually activated.

Louisa: What can we do about it? 

Cobra: There are clearing protocols that can help. I have explained some of them  already on my blog and there are therapists who can assist not in removing them but  to decreace in their efficiency.

 Louisa: What is the triggering mechanism? 

Cobra: The scalar network which measures the vibrational frequency of everybody on  the planet and when it reaches a certain threshold level it triggers the alarm and  the alarm alerts the central computer which activates the implants from a distance. 

Louisa: And they are aware of everybody who gets activated I presume?  

Cobra: Yes, of course. Steve: And this is all going to be deactivated as soon as this network is brought  down, is that correct? 

Cobra: It will be completely cleared when the scalar network is cleared. Its part of  the same structure. 

Steve: And the infrasound is part of the same structure? 

Cobra: Yes, of course. What the infrasound does it lowers the vibration frequency of  especially emotional vibrations, it suppresses people’s will to fight , suppresses  people’s will to create their own destiny.

Steve: What about people who are attacked with this while they are in bed sleeping? 

Cobra: There are certain resonance points, interference points where infrasound is  stronger, it is advisable to change the location or to move to other room or shift  the bed periodically even. Some will have to readjust to this, and there are some  antiscalar devices that can help a little bit with this. There are some technologies  on my blog on the Tachyonis website there are certain laser devices which can help  with this. 

Louisa: But what about frequencies? I find playing my piano and surrounding myself  with the string vibrations and overtones of the harmonics is very healing for me  personally? 

Cobra: Harmonious sound is a very good antidote to infrasound. Certain resonance  frequency with physical instruments and positive music is a very good antidote to  this.




 with respect to the biochips and implants how easy is it for  people to ascend at this time?

Cobra: I would say it is possible but not very easy at this moment. For somebody who  is not part of the matrix system it is possible, but the situation will improve  drastically as we approach the Event and after the Event. The number of people who  will be capable of ascending will rise exponentially very fast after we come closer  to the breakthrough and especially after the breakthrough there will be mass  ascension process going on.




  Let me just clarify something you had said earlier when we  were talking about these biochips and you had said they were placed in the frontal  lobe, are they placed in or near the pineal gland? 

Cobra: Not exactly, they are placed in two positions above the eyes or next to the  eyes, not in the pineal gland but they are creating a resonance field which  influences the pineal gland. I have a picture on my blog, the position of the implant is there.



 Can a magnet interfere with the frontal biochip signal?  

COBRA – Unfortunately not.




 Many people feel that the current life on Earth is similar to what is  written in the Book of Revelation of St. John. What kind of document is the  Revelation of St. John in the eyes of light and dark forces respectively? 

Cobra: Actually, that being which is now called St. John had a vision in which he  was given part of the Liberation plan which included a mass landing of motherships.  It included a big war, a great war for Liberation. It included the purification of  dark forces, biochips, vaccinations. He had seen all those things. This prophecy is  very popular because people feel that there is something behind it. Dark forces were  trying to misuse that prophecy to create fear and spread fear. They were not exactly  very successful




 Do you see this leading to a forced vaccination agenda?  

COBRA: Okay, when the vaccine will be ready there is a possibility, if the world stays as  it is, that there might be attempts of forced vaccination. But most likely they will  not go as well as dark forces have hoped. Number one, the biochip equation. The  biochips are out of the equation for this new vaccine, because the Resistance  Movement has removed the biochips which are stored in certain secret facilities. So  the new vaccine will not involve any biochips of any kind. But still there might be  some chemicals in there which can be harmful for human health so we will see.




 Many people are experiencing physical problems. They tend to  feel tired or emotionally out of control, some have heart palpitations or insomnia.  Are these symptoms of energy cleanup before ascension, or are they attacks? What can  we do to deal with these issues? 

Cobra: It's a combination of all of this. There are still implants, biochips, scalar  technology, and entities. But there's also a purification process taking place, so all this has an impact on the physical body. Again, one of the keys here is to spend  some time in nature because then you can reconnect with the pure crystalline energy  and can help both your energy field and your physical body.






 If we achieve the critical mass on December 21st, huge changes can begin to  be initialized. First, the Light Forces can begin to finally start deconstructing  the quarantine with all its exotic negative technologies, all that network of  electromagnetic fence, of different scalar devices, of all nanotechnology, of  implants, of biochips. All that can begin deconstructing because the new Aquarius  energies will be strong enough. And if we reach the critical mass, those energies  will be channeled through a critical mass of the surface population. And then the  big transformation can begin to happen.





if we reach or even exceed the critical mass, which is 144,000  people, what impact will we see in our physical world?

 Cobra: The first thing that will happen will be the beginning of deconstruction of  the matrix construct around on this planet. There are many advanced, exotic negative  technologies that are controlling humanity in the last 25,000 years influencing our  consciousness – scalar devices, electromagnetic fence, implants, biochips, different  things that are part of daily reality without people even realizing it, which have  shut down our consciousness. And this is going to begin to be deconstructed on that  day, if we reach the critical mass. So real cosmic Light will begin to fall into the  planetary sphere and onto the planetary surface. And this is the real great  awakening. Humanity hasn't seen an awakening like this since the times of Atlantis

[ The light forces needed to clear many things it turned still for this to happen , such as the subquantum anomaly ]


Let's  talk a little bit about the implants. You stated that the implants are not quantumly  entangled anymore, and that the Light Forces have started with gradual clearing of  these. As you know, there is an international group of us that conduct free implant  clearing sessions for Lightworkers on an ongoing basis to help clear these. Can you  tell us how these sessions are making an impact, both for the people that are  attending and on a collective level? Back in May you stated, “Quantum fluctuation  directly related to human implants and biochips are clearing better than expected.  Spacetime distortion created by the implants and biochips is being reduced fast and  drastically. And this has resulted in a significant decrease of human emotion  volatility in the last few weeks.” So Cobra, we are wondering if this confirms the  effectiveness of these sessions? And are these sessions an important support for theLight Forces and planetary liberation? 

Cobra: Yes, those sessions have assisted quite much, and I would encourage everybody  who is involved in those sessions, if they feel so guided, to continue and actually  to expand those sessions, because this is a really helpful tool for the Light Forces  to clear implants faster and more efficiently.


 And there was a very exciting update today on The  Portal regarding the implant and biochip removal. It appears to be the first major  intervention by [the] Light Forces to the surface of the planet. How did it become  possible at this moment?

 Cobra: The Light Forces were carrying out various operations in the last few years  and coming closer and closer to the surface, and now they have managed to become so  close that they are able, with their technology, to start clearing the implants.

 Terry: So does the technology mean Mjolnir technology?  

Cobra: Yes.

So how do the implant and biochip removal process work  practically? Will it be an all-at-once removal to all of the persons using the  quantum cannon technologies on the surface, or rather on individualized process,  depending on the contamination levels of a person? 

Cobra: It'll be a planetary process and it is already a planetary process. So  quantum cannon technologies are bombarding the surface of the planet. They are  bombarding actually with their energy fields, the implants, and biochips in every  member of the surface population. And what they're doing is they're starting to  remove the black holes in the implants. That is a very tricky and challenging  process, but it is already taking place and it'll be the same for everybody. The  whole implant and biochip network has to be removed. 

So even though it may be just for everybody at the same time, but will  the length of the removal and the deprogramming vary depending on a person?

 Cobra: Not very much, I mean individual reactions to the removal will be different,  but the process is ongoing at the same time for everybody.

The Light Forces expect there  will be a massive spiritual awakening of the surface population once all biochips  and implants are removed. How will this wave of awakening benefit Lightworkers and  Lightwarriors in terms of our daily life and our Ascension process? 

Cobra: Yes. when we come to the closure of this process, when the implants and  biochips are mostly gone, individual lives of the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors  will become better, lighter, less stressful, less negativity, less darkness, less  attacks, and life will again, after so much time, become a little bit more  enjoyable. 

So that means that their Ascension process may be easier?  

Cobra: Yes. 

Have the level of primary anomaly and subquantum anomaly  reduced in the area below the Low Earth Orbit? 

Cobra: To a degree, yes, but main reduction is expected at the same time as this  operation of clearing the implants proceeds.


You've indicated now that all the nonphysical planes  are cleared and that the only location under dark control is the physical plane on  the surface of the planet, with the biggest problems, as you mentioned, being the  subquantum anomaly as well as the physical biochips. So let's discuss these. With  these biochips you mentioned that they are the physical anchor point for the three  main plasma implants, which are located in the front lobe [of the brain] and above  the navel. Do these biochips work in sync with the implants, and how does the  weakening of the implants affect the biochips?

 Cobra: Actually the biochips were working in sync with the implants. And as the  implants are dissolving now, the main problem are the physical biochips themselves  and what they do; they disconnect the connections, the neuron connections, in the  brain. So it's like a blockage in the brain, the physical brain. So people cannot  make certain connections between certain parts of the brain. That's the main problem  now about the biochips.

 Debra: Hmm, interesting. I know you said they also are the main source of  surveillance since they can see and hear everything that we experience, and then the  information is then communicated to the mainframe DARPA computer. Can these biochips  also help the dark forces to read our thoughts? 

Cobra: To a certain degree, yes, they can. If you are not trained in clouding your  thoughts, I would say, with most people, they can, to a certain degree, read human  thoughts.


You've mentioned that other races like  the Resistance, the Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians, and the positive Andromedans,  have become free of biochips by completely mastering physical etheric body transfer.  So what is a physical etheric body transfer, and are the Light Forces using this technology to clear our biochips? 

Cobra: This is a certain advanced teleportation technology, which can basically  teleport or transfer your physical body completely to the etheric plane, remodel and  harmonize it there, and put it back onto the physical plane. And with this process,  they can clear the biochips. Unfortunately, this technology is not working yet on  the surface of the planet because of the subquantum anomaly.

 Debra: Okay, well, we hope there's some gains made on that soon. As you mentioned,  you did offer on your blog a mind clearing technique that can reduce the power of  these biochips on the human thinking process. Did you say this also works on the  subquantum anomaly? Because this, as you indicate, is the main source of negative  experiences and feelings due to the presence of dark entities. Or is there anything  else you can suggest to help us reduce its power over us?

 Cobra: At this point, the Light Forces are still developing technology and protocols  to counteract the subquantum anomaly. That's quite much of a problem still. They are  developing individual Hammer of Thor technology, which would actually clear part of  this subquantum anomaly from human energy field. But this is still in progress, this  has not been finalized yet.


 you indicate the  focus in the next few months will be on clearing the subquantum anomaly and the  biochips. Does this mean that the subquantum anomaly and the biochips could  potentially be removed by this fall?

 Cobra: I cannot give any timeframes about that, but I would say that subquantum anomaly will not be removed in such a short period of time. There will be layers  upon layers of this being removed, and when enough of this is removed, big changes  can begin to happen. Because as long as this universe exists, there will always be a  small, small, tiny fraction of subquantum anomaly still present. We just need to  decrease it to the point where we can start manifesting big changes. 

Debra: Do both the biochips and the subquantum anomaly have to be cleared in order  for the Event to happen? 

Cobra: As I said, for the subquantum anomaly, no, it has to be cleared to a certain  degree. But the biochips, I would say, it's almost the condition they need to be  cleared. There are certain extreme circumstances where the Event could happen, even  if the biochips are not cleared. I would not go into that right now. 

 Regarding the biochips, you indicated that most of humanity received  them from vaccination campaigns from the late 1940s to the early 2000s, as well as  through soft drinks. So for people who have never [been] vaccinated or consumed soft  drinks, how does their life experience differ from those that have? 

Cobra: Many of those people have been targeted in other ways, because when the dark  forces realized there is a certain tiny percentage of people who are not vaccinated,  they tried to reach them in other ways. For example, through certain foods, through  certain other means. But yes, there is a small, tiny percentage of people who are  not, who do not have biochips. And most of them live in Africa, and they are, I  would say, completely off the grid. They have a different life perspective for sure. 

Debra: Yeah, obviously. Can we assume that some people have more biochips than  others? And if so, how does this impact them? For instance, are biochips embedded  more in asleep people versus awakened people? And can they be passed from person to  person? 

Cobra: I would say that the most powerful Lightworkers have received stronger  biochips because the dark forces wanted to control them more. And I would say that  most of the regular surface population have just, I would say, generic basic  biochips. 

Debra: But Lightworkers may have stronger ones. Wow, okay. Well, hopefully  the Light Forces are putting extra attention on the Lightworkers in clearing those  within us. And what about can they be passed from person to person? 

Cobra: No. No.


 So regarding the biochips that we spoke about, we understand that over  the years, these continue to be updated to be more powerful. In May 2021, you  indicated that a new technology was still in development and was not present in existing covid vaccines; that current vaccines are only a Trojan horse for a  potential future technology that the Cabal wants to develop, which is a biochip that  would be inserted into the body and would be tied to a global online digital  currency system after the great reset for all financial transactions, the so-called  ““Mark of the Beast”.”  But you also said that this “Mark of the Beast” would not be successful. Would you update us on the progress of this technology, and if it still  looks like the “Mark of the Beast” plan won't succeed? And what are the chances of  another pandemic worse than covid being unleashed to try to facilitate this digital  system? 

Cobra: Okay. This plan has been completely stopped. This technology was destroyed by  the Light Forces. The Resistance Movement has completely destroyed this new biochip  technology. So it's not existing anymore.


 In your recent update, you mentioned that if someone raises  their vibrational frequency too much, the physical biochips detect this and their  vibration will then be lowered by physical and emotional repercussions. Yet our goal  is to raise our vibration to heal ourselves and our planet. So what are we to do? Is  there a safe zone? And how do most enlightened beings manage this? 

Cobra: The key here is balance. So if you are raising your vibration, do it in a  balanced way. And in this way, you will not create spikes in alarms in the dark  network. You will just raise your vibration in harmony, and this is much less  detectable. 

Debra: And when you say in balance, can you elaborate a little bit more about that?

  Cobra: It means not being overly hyped. It means if you have a very high vibration,  you can do it in a balanced way. Simply, the key is balance. 

Debra: I see, okay. Does having a strong connection with Source help with protection  from this?

 Cobra: Yes, of course.


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