

 A:  OK.  Is it true that the moon was one of the specific key elements for the
electronic fence that was around the earth?

C:  At a certain point in time there were many __?_ or implantation station.  Much
of the machinery for the veil was located near these lagrange points .
They were special points between the earth and the moon where the gravity influence
between the earth and the moon were the same.  The control forces were using those
special points  to control the energy field around the planet. 



 COBRA: The Lords of Karma are the Main Archons on the astral/etheric plans.  They
decide the fate of the soul in their new incarnation.  They were designing the whole
matrix of new incarnation and they made sure that most incarnations have lead so
there would not be planetary liberation.  That’s why many people have been born into
very strange conditions and very impossible situations in their families.  It was
done on purpose.

Alexandra:  I knew it.  I’ve been researching this for some time.  Do you agree that
we have all been mind-wiped right before re-incarnation?

COBRA: Everybody before incarnation have been subjected to a strong implantation
process on the etheric plane which made them forget -It was a  trauma of implantation that made a shock.  That shock or amnesia ruled that you would not be
able to remember when what happened before they incarnate.  This is why children cry
when they are born.




the light tunnel
that people see when they die or have a near death experience is simply a soul
catcher for the Archon’s reincarnation factory. Is it possible to escape the
reincarnation process by not following the supposedly loving light?

COBRA – OK. I would not agree with that theory. I would say that when light is light
and not light is not light. If you follow the light you will get into more light.
It’s not a trick. But yes, there are implantation stations on the etheric plane
after you die. Yes, there are tricks being made. But if you follow your inner
guidance where to go, you will most likely escape them. But you see the surface
layer on the planet, on the etheric plane is in the scalar field. It’s very
difficult to escape the scalar field. People that die are actually trapped in that
scalar field around the earth. They usually go to the next incarnation within that
scalar field.

And that’s in the lower astral plane they don’t escape it. Is that correct? 

COBRA – Now in the lower astral planes it’s easier than it was. it’s possible to
escape it but you have to transcend your inner attachments to the planetary surface. 

OK. What are those humming sounds heard all over the planet? This was more
prevalent some time ago. But I have heard sounds. Are these legitimate video’s? Are
these hoaxes? Or are there some sort of causes for these humming sounds?

COBRA – Yes, this sound is still happening. It’s actually a combination. It was very
strong etheric sound but now there is also strong plasma scalar technology which
creates infra sound, which can be heard by human beings or even felt with human
body. They are low frequencies, between, I would say, 10-50 Hz, which can be heard
by human ear. They can be felt as a low humming vibration in the body, which is
usually unpleasant.

Is hyper sensitivity
that many people are experiencing – is that due to the electronic matrix? Or it’s a
combination of things?

COBRA – It is a combination of natural ? certain souls, which have to be sensitive
to have certain channels open. But that sensitivity can be misused by the technology
of the Archons. All those electronic plasma scalar devices can actually distort that
sensitivity in a way which is not comfortable.




 What’s the difference between the higher self and the soul? Are they the
same? Can you explain their functions?

COBRA – Basically there are two expressions for the same thing. This is your own
inner presence. You can describe the soul or higher self. It’s the real you.

Rob – OK. Is it possible to be disconnected from the soul?

COBRA – It is possible and this has actually happened to some members of the cabal

Rob – You mean when they’re sent to the central sun?

COBRA – No, when they went to different implantation process through different dark
rituals and through their life styles and their choices. Some of them have been
disconnected gradually and some of them have been disconnected through different
experiments in the past

this response from cobra below was not fully translated-original was missing parts

 Cobra- the Cabal’s cases a part of the soul... is projected in the ..and that part slowly or fast becomes disconnected... and has independent life which is controlled by the elementals, by the spirit possession, by technologies and other things.




COBRA – Yes. Behind the scenes many things are happening that are never made into
the main stream media, or also not in the alternative media.

Rob – Both sides actually were . . . had agreed to kind of keep this secret – the
reason being that I kind of figured out is the bad guys don’t want us to know
they’re here because if we did, we could kind of step away from them. And the good
guys were forced to go along with that because the earth was held as hostage with
the strangelet and toplet technology and were forced into acquiescence of this
agreement, correct?

COBRA – Exactly.


 And, yet, both sides still have different interaction on the surface. They
both kind of violated the treaty to a certain extent. The light forces are being
contacted. People are being abducted. There definitely seems to be on both sides of
this treaty kind of a violation to a certain smaller extent with each side
breaching. I guess it was an absolutely no contact with the surface population.
That’s certainly not been enforceable, correct?

COBRA – That’s impossible, but you see, it’s a war and in the war each side is
testing the weakness of the enemy. It’s psychologically and physically obvious that
this treaty is not completely enforceable. This treaty for the light side was not an
advantaged. It’s for the sake of the well-being of the hostages – for the hostages
not to be erased from the planet.

Rob – Exactly. That’s what I’ve said repeatedly. Can you talk about . . . we didn’t
have the physical, plasma and the higher technology we had. The enslavement process
from the last 26K years ago and the flooding of the civilizations of the planet? How
was control maintained at that time? What was the situation like in the 15-1600’s.
How was the king and all these programs running on the earth? Was this all done with
invisible plasma scalar field technology?

COBRA – This technology was present, but the Chimera group behind the scenes did so
solely by the operation of that technology. Nobody on the surface had any idea how
this was done. The Kings and the Royalty knew there were powerful forces protecting
their bloodlines. That’s all they knew.

Rob – OK. So they . . . were they forcing implants into humans at birth at that
point in time?

COBRA – Yes, it was a standard procedure the last 25K years.



 COBRA  there was massive implantation through plasma etheric scalar
technology. Second, there was a lot of implants being distributed globally through vaccinations programs with biochips. There was also a certain number of MILAB type
of experiences where they were taken to underground bases and implanted physically
after trauma based mind programming sessions.



 H: Do you know about the negative experiments in Rigel solar system, where sparks of
a star (star plasma) were inserted into the soul star chakras of beings against
their will, making them extremely enhanced and very powerful and then later used as
super soldiers by the dark forces against the Light forces?

C: Basically, you are describing implantation process, one aspect of the
implantation process. And this was happening in the Rigel star system a few million
years ago.

H: Is it true that the motor functions of these beings were controlled by the dark
forces via special cybernetic implants and attached devices?

C: To a certain degree yes.

H: Has this problem been resolved completed?

C: Yes, the Rigel star system has been liberated, and that star system is now
completely free of this type of experiments.





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