Cobra Interview Quotes "Implants"



COBRA: Everybody before incarnation have been subjected to a strong implantation process on the etheric plane which made them forget -It was a  trauma of implantation that made a shock.  That shock or amnesia ruled that you would not be able to remember when what happened before they incarnate.  This is why children cry when they are born.

 Every incarnation and you get one and after you die if you manage to escape the Archons when you reach the higher astral planes and higher up, those implants begin to disintegrate.  Then you get new ones in a new incarnation.  This is mostly why people can not remember past incarnations and why they can’t reach their talents and access the wisdom of their past lives.


Alexandra:  You’re saying, our amnesia is in direct accordance with the implants.


COBRA:  Yes.  It’s a direct consequence of the implants and part of the archon plans.  If everyone forgets what they are here to do it serves the Archon purpose well.  This is the reason why people are asking what is their purpose.  They forget.



Alexandra:  What is the most effective way to remove implants?


COBRA:  The most effective way to remove implants is to get contact with your soul,  higher self, your soul.  Through meditation, Through contact with nature, through beauty, Through presence of love, other human beings, with source directly.  After contact with the soul is made the soul with start sending energy to dissolve the implants.



Alexandra:   Interesting.  That leads me to another question about there’s a lot of talk about Archonic SP implants. 


COBRA:  There are many different versions of this so you need to specify.


Alexandra:   This one is supposedly a Jelly fish type – it lodges in temporal lobe either right or left side of head.  Attacks the gallbladder meridian.  Supposedly, After a period of time it memorizes a person’s thought patters and voice recognition and that type of thing and will take over this individual to this point where it tells them what to do if they have a propensity to be violent.


COBRA:  Actually, everyone on the planet has been implanted by this jelly like parasite before they were born.  It is part of the birth process that the Archons have controlled.  (Wow)  It is up to your free will if you allow this interference to interfere with your decisions or not.  The frontal lobe of the brain has been (garbled).  The decision making process has been compromised by those implants for everybody on the planet.  Everyone has their free will.  It is unrealistic to know in all situations, but most situations everybody should make up their own free will.  It is unrealistic for you to expect to say “no” in every situation. But in the most important decision in your life everybody should be able to say “no” to this influence.  Make up your own free will and make up your own free will.


Alexandra:   Your connection cut out about the frontal lobe.  Can you go back?


COBRA:  The frontal lobe of the brains governs our decision making process and this is why these implants are placed in the front of our brains.



Alexandra:   Got it.  Are they really firing this up now because they are at the desperate end of their road?


COBRA:  They have been activating it the last 20 years or so, more intensely because we are getting close to the final event. 


Alexandra:   How do you think is the most effective way to have them removed or can it be?


COBRA:  I could say the most important thing to do is exercise your free will.


Alexandra:   Stay in your mastery and stay in your free will.  Stay out of fear.


COBRA:  If you have Fear, it is a natural response.  Do not put too much emphasis on that fear.  Don’t dwell on it.



Alexandra – Going back to one of your posts: “a very small group of main etheric archons which continue to exert control in  the reincarnation process. They are still triggering  Through their remote control scalar implant technology.”  You mentioned that they do this off world and they are still hoping to try to hack into the system.  Has there been any feedback, any progress with that.


COBRA  – There has been some progress but not enough.  The resistance movement has been working constantly on that.  It’s quite a complex technology.  It will take some time to dismantle completely.



Alexandra – Yes.  You were talking about these implants.  Pam and I stumbled upon – this  – the implant removal process.  We’ve seen dramatic shifts in people when they have this done.  You mentioned it has a small etheric black holes that rotate in a scalar electro magnetic field.  Can you explain more.


COBRA  – I think that everybody knows what a black hole is.  You can also make a black hole out physical matter and out of etheric matter.  If you put that etheric black hole in a rotating electromagnetic field that black hole begins to behave in a different manner.   That black hole begins to behave in a different manner, it begins to distort the reality around you.  That distortion couples with a e;ectrpmagnetic field and that distortion coupled with that magnetic field creates a disharmony electromagnetic field and that begins to influence your consciousness.  That affects every single individual on the surface of the planet.  Everybody’s been half crazy with this .  This is why people have been deceived. That’s why it takes people so long to awaken.  This is the reason why the Cabal was able to control the people.  Otherwise they would say “no”.  No one would agree to this craziness without those implants.


Alexandra – The way you just described it was helpful.  That electro magnetic field, how far is that reaching.


COBRA  – You have so many black holes not just in the implant, but the space around us – the whole surface of the planet is covered. 


Alexandra –  They are penetrating us through other dimensions and through these black holes.  Are they communicating the black holes in our bodies that have been created by the implants?


COBRA  – This was happening before but this has been resolved.  This communication has stopped and is much more difficult.  We are now getting closer to the removal of this.  It’s quite a complex task. When this is done, victory is ours. 




Alexandra – OMG.  That’s awesome.  That’s great news.  “You have to know that this cosmic break in this space/time structure during the preparation for ascension is known to be used to liberate the people who have decided differently from their demons.   90% of humanity is possessed by foreign energies and demons.  This is one of the reasons why we can no longer bear human crowds because so many people are so fully possessed.”  What do you think about that? 


COBRA  – Well.  I was speaking many times about this.  There are so many entities around everybody tied to the implants.  For every human being there were entities on the etheric plane which are not of the light.  This is being cleared but has not been cleared yet.


Alexandra – The reason I brought this up is that there isn’t a light worker, star seed, light warrior that hasn’t had this conversation that they don’t want to come out of their cave.  We tend to stay in our homes or in small group of people because we don’t really want to get out there.  (Yes, it’s understandable).


COBRA  – It’s a good response to avoid etheric contamination



  • "The etheric implants are crystals that were actually pushed into the etheric body of every newborn child on this planet by the archon network. Those implants are there to block the connection between the person and the Source, the higher self, the source of life. The removal of those implants is a gradual process. It will happen but it will take some time. Regarding people who are against my message, it is simply the archons don’t want my message to come out. Therefore, they are influencing certain people to spread negativity about me. It’s just a sign of discomfort of those archons about the message of the truth which is reaching the masses."



  • "The other problem is those implants are the main thing and the scalar technology, which is part of the Archon network. It’s actually maintained by rotating scalar field. That field is actually re-creating that implant again.It’s not just about human element, it’s about the technology, which exists on the etheric plan the plasma plane. It’s actually re-creating the structure."




COBRA - When the scalar technology and the implants are removed there will be a drastic improvement in well being. People will be much more happy. People will be much more balanced and much less violent behavior among general population. When the event happens the cabal will be removed and it will be even, even, even better.

Rob – OK. and the follow-up question is – at this point do you feel human behavior is influenced by Archonic technology itself or is it due to the mental programming that has persisted for so long. and the negative habits that have become ingrained in humans. I know they work together. Which one do you think is more potent.

COBRA – They are so interconnected there is it’s actually both.

Rob – 3D matrix is obviously flawed to the very core. How can a parasitic construct which is fueled by energy harvesting ever be rectified.

COBRA – Simply by removing all negativity. The only thing that is left is the light.




Cobra-When the scalar technology is removed I expect drastic improvement in human behavior, because that technology is one of the main factors why people are acting strange.

Rob – Right now do you feel human behavior is more influenced by Archonic technology itself or is it due to an auto pilot mental programming that has persisted for so long and the negative habits have become so ingrained in humans that the scalar technology is not that influential?

COBRA – It is very influential, because when the technology is removed the light can come in and begin to disintegrate all mind programming. Because mind programming can only be maintained with constant entropy, with constant bombardment with negativity. So when the negativity is removed the programming automatically begins to dissolve.




. Once the Chimera group will be cleared, will the moon dust project and other black projects operating under the control of the negative military be ended completely.

COBRA – Yes, immediately, yes.

Rob – I guess that would mean chimera group ending is at the same time of the event is that correct. 


Rob- How do Archons let them enter earth knowing who they are.

COBRA – Actually what they do . . . sometimes light workers can do much more effective work on the Astral planes so they try to trap them in dysfunctional families so they will not awaken and they would not help liberate the planet. But even with all the efforts of the Archons, the light forces are successful in awakening many of the light workers and light warriors and then they are successful in assisting in liberating the planetary situation.



Rob – it’s been indicated that the reptilian races that are involved in violation of the galactic codex and the very advanced programming . . . and let’s call it the implant technology that’s being used on earth now . . . that those beings themselves have been implanted and are simply running a program that they were given. Would you agree with that.

COBRA – Yes, yes, in most cases actually. I would say that every being on the dark side has been implanted and programmed at a certain point.

Rob – So, at a certain point in time . . . It’s been hard for us . . . I’ve been examining this in myself recently. When this event takes place, these beings themselves will be liberated from their implants and they will probably recoil in horror and shock at what they have been doing for a long time. Is that correct.

COBRA – Yes, for many of them that is correct.



Rob – So they are to be healed and to be pitied to a certain extent because some of their deeds have been very heinous against us. They have been as implanted and as manipulated as we have. So, I guess there is a question here. Someone’s asked: How do star seeds actually come in and incarnate here. Are there new star seeds coming here or are all the people kind of trapped in the reincarnation situation.

COBRA – There are no fresh star seeds coming from other star systems. People that have incarnated here have been inside of this recycle process for at least 25k years with extremely rare exceptions.

Rob – Right, those rare exceptions may be if they have captured perhaps an E.T. craft. I’ve heard they will kill the E.T.’s physical body and force their soul in a human body.

COBRA – Those things were happening in the past.




Rob – Yes, that’s logical. At the event when all their negative technologies including etheric implants and scalar wave technology are cleared from the earth, will all human infants born after the event be able to keep their past life memories immediately.

COBRA – There are also other factors involved. It is simply there is still the membrane between the physical and etheric brain, but the memories will be much easier for any of the newly incarnated souls to remember their past lives.

Rob – So the reason they wouldn’t be able to is there is a membrane. How long will this take to heal.

COBRA – Well, it’s a natural thing and usually if a human being is not absolutely awakened, certain amount of memory is lost. In the same way that you forget what you had for breakfast last Monday.

Rob – Someone asked about the cracks in the matrix that you mentioned. People are wondering exactly if you could define that a little bit more. What is a crack.

COBRA – A crack in the matrix is . . an area when the light from beyond the veil is coming inside of the quarantine earth.




Implants are not just on one layer.  They are different dimensions, there is the physical aspect, plasma aspect, etheric aspect astral & mental you need a combination of technologies to remove all those aspects to completely remove an implant.

Rob – OK.  That’s what I was wondering.  He said he could render it.  What we meant was like the Nicola Tesla violet wand, which was described by Edgar Cayce which is available – I wanted to find out, would that wand disable implants.  Is that going to just disrupt a physical implant.  Is it going to disrupt an implant that’s invisible on the etheric and the astral.  And he said both is what he thought.

COBRA – OK.  It can help with the removal of the implants but by itself will not be enough to remove the implant because there is technology which re-creates the implants back again



Rob – OK. So they . . . were they forcing implants into humans at birth at that point in time?

COBRA – Yes, it was a standard procedure the last 25K years.



You mentioned a while back that after the Congo invasion of 1996, the Archons spent a period from 1996 – 1999 on a mass implant program. Was that through the Greys? Were they physical implants? Was it the nano implants? Could you talk a little bit about that?

COBRA – OK. First, there was massive implantation through plasma etheric scalar technology. Second, there was a lot of implants being distributed globally through vaccinations programs with biochips. There was also a certain number of MILAB type of experiences(vast majority of starseeds) where they were taken to underground bases and implanted physically after trauma based mind programming sessions.



 U : Do you have any insight about how to release unwanted negative emotions and thoughts in a healthy way ?

C : There are many techniques you can use, especially in the spiritual circles there are various techniques that can assist people in releasing accumulated tension, emotional and mental tension. The other thing that’s very healthy and beneficial is the element of water, and nature itself can absorb much of this. And the other aspect of this is healthy communication, which can sometimes, not always, resolve those emotions. Basically all of those emotions and thoughts originate from the implants. And when the implants will start dissolving, it will be much easier to disintegrate and transmute those emotions and thoughts.


COBRA - but Cintamani stone actually influences the plasma plane and it does influence the implants.  There is a certain technology of the light forces that they can use and they can transmit certain energies directly from the galactic center to the Cintamani stones.  Cintamani stones serve as a lens for that energy which then dissolves plasma.  It is not just another crystal or pretty stone.  It is much more than that.  There is certain unique energetic signature of that stone because #1) it came from Sirius star system and #2) it was infused with energy directly from the galactic center many, many cycles ago, millions of years ago when the planet in the Sirius star system exploded.  It actually exploded because of the galactic super-wave.  There are many sub-atomic particles, which were traveling throughout the galaxy as a result of the galactic super wave, and it keeps that planet . . . and every fragment of Cintamani stone has those particles inside.  And the light forces can use those to dissolve plasma in a certain way I will not describe here.  This is not just another new age crystal; it is much more than that.  It is one of the keys to the planetary liberation.  Of course, you have the most powerful crystals inside your higher self.  Using Cintamani stones, you can amplify and speed up the process for yourself and for the planet.


Rob – Yes, I have to say and I was very impressed with them.  I was surprised how small they were and I understand that the grade type is more important than the size!  I thought they were larger and bigger and it turns out that there are different grades that affect the prices.  I was quite ignorant of it when I made my post.  The translucent quality had a very nice reflection from the lasers.  I know we talked about this and I know that there was something about where the stone allegedly sits now that you maybe didn’t disagree with.  It’s different information, and it, again, doesn’t mean that things don’t happen.


COBRA – I would just say that there are fragments of that stone in many locations. (Yes) The majority of the stone was in the possession of the positive Agarthan network for thousands of years.  Fragments of that stone were taken to various locations around the planet including Lake Titicaca.  But this is not the only location.  There are many stones – especially in underground locations.  On the surface of the planet not many of them are present and now many of those smaller fragments are being distributed to the light workers and light warriors worldwide to create a planetary network of light.




Rob – Okay. Someone says, ‘What will happen after the last remaining Chimera implant stations are removed from our solar system?  Does that mean . . . Will the etheric implant network still be up but no more implants will be in place or was this all simultaneous with the Event?’


COBRA – We also have implant stations on the planet or even below the surface of the planet, so the solar system is not the only location.  Basically, the main implant stations are not on the physical but on the plasma plane. So when the solar system is liberated, [it is] not yet completely the end of the story.




COBRA – Okay.  The rest of the universe lives in peace and harmony simply because beings in the universe are a reflection of the sea of universal love.  That connection was cut artificially with implants in this sector of the universe millions of years ago, and the last remnant of that factor is planet Earth and to a very small extent the universe.




 U : You said in your last post that almost every being inside this solar system got implanted in 1996 [C : Yes], the members of the light forces outside the surface of this planet, were they implanted by distance or captured ?

C : They were actually captured on the plasma plane, not in the physical, some of them even on the physical but most of them were implanted on the plasma plane, etheric plane or lower astral plane. Some of them were taken outside of the solar system into implant stations in the Orion system at that time, and returned back to the solar system.

U : So it’s not something that happens by distance ?

C : No it didn’t happen by distance. There was an actual presence of strong reptilian and draco forces in 1996 throughout the whole solar system, on every plane, physical plasma etheric astral and mental planes.

 U : So when a human tries to remove it, you said they are recreated automatically, is this also not done by distance ?

C : The implants are being refilled with plasma which is connected with the tunnels of Set and with the plasma network which extends throughout the whole solar system.

U : Ok, so it’s never happened yet that these implants are removed fully ?

C : There has been implants removed before the invasion of 1996, but after the invasion of 1996, there has been cases but extremely rare and people who have ascended have not ascended from the surface of the planet, but from, I would put it this way, from the Agartha network. I would not say exactly which faction and which location, but certain people went from the surface, into the Agartha network in a certain location, removed the implants, and ascended.

U : Are these implants the same that you talked about before, the two above the eyes and the one above the navel ?

C : Yes



U : Ok. And so you said that all sentient beings whatsoever inside the solar system have been implanted, does that include animals and plants ?

C : Animals are not fully conscious. They are conscious but they don’t have their I AM presence fully shaped so the vast majority of cases were not implanted. Some animals were implanted, especially animals that the cabal uses for various dark purposes, but this is very rare, it’s not a widespread occurrence.

U : Ok. And how about plants ?

C : No




U : So the light forces already have the technology to remove them, but they can’t do it yet because it would trigger strangelet bombs yes ?

C : They are removing them gradually in order not to trigger the bombs. There is a protocol, I have mentioned this, I think a little bit more than 1 year ago, there is a protocol to remove all this and they are carrying out that protocol but it takes time. It takes more time because the surface population is not exactly cooperating.




U : In some conferences you mentioned that men had implants on the heart and women on the second chakra..

C : Not exactly, it’s actually an implant which exists between the heart and the solar plexus chakra, but it creates a split between the heart and sexual energy. And this split is different for men and women.

U : But the implant itself is the same ?

C : The implant itself is in the same location for both. But a different program of the implant is activated for men than for women, to insure conflicts in relationships.



Rob – Okay. Can you talk a little bit more . . . I’d like you to kind of go over . . . I was reading in your post, you mentioned the plasma field implants are not as strong now. There are still some sort of activity. If you can clarify what that is. I know it’s still connected to the toplet or strangelet bombs. Could you talk a little bit about the influence of implants and how they’ve changed recently?


COBRA – Okay. It is simply one aspect of the implant has been cleared. But the core of the implant. . . they are no longer black holes. They are now just rotating singularities, which means that they are not so strong any more, but still the veil, the network, the technology, the plasma, it’s all there still. The veil is still there, so this has to go before the Event happens.




Rob – Cobra, my follow-up question to that information is: a lot of people have been asking me in regards to implant removals. It seems like everyone’s talking about it and selling it. There is no way to remove implants. It’s has to be done by a higher technology removing that. Is that correct?


COBRA – Yes, that is correct. Actually some techniques that people use can be a beneficial to a certain degree, but people are advertising implant removal. It’s basically implant healing or implant situation improvement. People are not in a position to remove implants.




Rob – Okay, good. Because from my understanding in the chambers that Dr. Bell and I created under the instruction of the Pleiadians, as I understood it, utilizing the Tesla coils, the crystals, the lasers and pyramids, we were creating like a little buffer zone that lowered the influence to the point where, as I understood, their ships were coming into the building and interacting and from my experience I was taken out of my body actually on many occasions in these systems and I remember watching the earth go below me, seeing the shade of one side of the earth, the light on the other. I never got this member face, but I was always having a series of conversations. For me, I feel like these systems and these positive zero point technologies – they can mitigate and lessen the effects of implants. Is that correct?


COBRA – Yes, but I suppose that your experiences were before 1996. (Oh, yeah, yeah, absolutely.) Yes, because the implants now are not the same as the implants before ’96. They have been drastically improved. It is much more advanced negative technology. That’s why it’s taking so long. (Okay.) The implants before 1996 – we had technologies already on the surface that could remove them almost completely. What we have now is different because it is tied to strangelet bombs and plasma fields. It is a little bit different situation now.



Rob-  these hostile alien implants agendas.When the dark force has a plan and they want to work through a lower level Cabal or Draco reptilian member, people are wondering, how are these plans coordinated? Is there some master AI intelligence that’s kind of feeding the implants in multiple groups of people towards an end and none of them know what’s going on they’re just kind of moving towards this as a hive unconsciously heading towards an agenda? They want to know how it works.  How do the non-physical negative beings get their instructions and how does it works?


COBRA – The master Chimera group, a small group and master Archon group, they are the ones who coordinate the plans and they give input for those plans in their master computer, which gives possible solutions. So it’s an interaction between actual beings and the AI (Artificial Intelligence) computer network that is called The Veil. But this computer network and this AI is always subjected to the supreme real and decisions of the Archons and Chimera entities. They are the ones who make the decisions and  the actual implémentation of those decisions is done through the sophisticated computer programs which create models of behavior of the masses, of the trends, of the most advisable course of action for those beings.





COBRA –  OK.  The situation looks complex but in reality it is not.  It is simply that we have apart from the physical plane, we have I would say higher planes of creation, higher dimensions and in those higher dimensions many things are happening.  We have aside from our physical bodies, we have our plasma bodies, we have our etheric bodies, we have our astral bodies, we have our mental bodies and all those energy fields that we have have been manipulated by the Archons and have been actually kept in quarantine.  They have been locked in a certain vibrational frequency to prevent us from setting ourselves free.  And implants are actually tools of that control and toplet bombs are tools of that control and now all this is being dissolved because there is a big wave of free will taking place throughout the galaxy.  There is a strong wave of light emanating form the galactic center at the moment, which is purifying everything that has not been right.  It is aligning everything that has not been right with the purpose of the creation, which is to experience love and light throughout the creation.  And this is why we have a very strong and very intense process of purification on this planet and in our solar system.  And this is why we are going trough this drastic change and this is why the event will happen.  This is why the liberation of the planet will happen.  It is part of the larger galactic plan.




Next question It says, we’re totally open in our dreams and clairvoyant. Why are our higher guides not having frank conversations with us in our dreams to help us awaken to the truths of the reality and the real war of good and evil and in our life.?


COBRA – One of the problems is the implants which were put into precisely to prevent that kind of connection. And when all the implants will be removed and when the veil, the plasma network and all this is removed also, there will be much stronger connections between the personality and the higher self and it will be quite more natural.



 U : How long ago were the cabal implants connected with the light workers implants ?

C : They were always connected but this connection was reinforced in 1996.

U : And this is for all star seeds or just some of them ?

C : All of them.

U : Ok. But the non star seed humans don’t have this.

C : It is not necessary because they are controlled anyway easily, so there was no need for the dark forces to implant them to such a degree.


  • "violent behavior is also reinforced by parasites, implants, the veil, as well as all the programming."


C: Implant hemispheres are areas of distorted spacetime continuum around the etheric implants. Each incarnated human being has received etheric implants by the Archons just before incarnating – the so called veil of forgetfulness. Those etheric implants are actually multidimensional black holes which contain anomalous matter and distorted quantum fluctuation. Each human being has three of those implants and they create a quite stable interference pattern which keeps the consciousness of the human being within the Matrix. This interference pattern creates an energy field of anomalous distorted spacetime structure around the implants with a radius of about 100 feet with the three implants in its center.

EM: Are implant hemispheres further reinforced through non-physical entities/nanonites?

C: Yes.


COBRA: Everybody before incarnation have been subjected to a strong implantation process on the etheric plane which made them forget -It was a  trauma of implantation that made a shock.  That shock or amnesia ruled that you would not be able to remember when what happened before they incarnate.  This is why children cry when they are born.




Rob – Here’s another question about death. I understand for those who can travel in the Astral plane and go to the worlds where people go when they die – it can be verified by the individual. But someone’s says they’ve read that the light tunnel that people see when they die or have a near death experience is simply a soul catcher for the Archon’s reincarnation factory. Is it possible to escape the reincarnation process by not following the supposedly loving light?

COBRA – OK. I would not agree with that theory. I would say that when light is light and not light is not light. If you follow the light you will get into more light. It’s not a trick. But yes, there are implantation stations on the etheric plane after you die. Yes, there are tricks being made. But if you follow your inner guidance where to go, you will most likely escape them. But you see the surface layer on the planet, on the etheric plane is in the scalar field. It’s very difficult to escape the scalar field. People that die are actually trapped in that scalar field around the earth. They usually go to the next incarnation within that scalar field.

Rob – And that’s in the lower astral plane they don’t escape it. Is that correct?

COBRA – Now in the lower astral planes it’s easier than it was. it’s possible to escape it but you have to transcend your inner attachments to the planetary surface.

Rob – OK. What are those humming sounds heard all over the planet? This was more prevalent some time ago. But I have heard sounds. Are these legitimate video’s? Are these hoaxes? Or are there some sort of causes for these humming sounds?

COBRA – Yes, this sound is still happening. It’s actually a combination. It was very strong etheric sound but now there is also strong plasma scalar technology which creates infra sound, which can be heard by human beings or even felt with human body. They are low frequencies, between, I would say, 10-50 Hz, which can be heard by human ear. They can be felt as a low humming vibration in the body, which is usually unpleasant.

Rob – Yes. Another question that’s kind of related to that. Is hyper sensitivity that many people are experiencing – is that due to the electronic matrix? Or it’s a combination of things?

COBRA – It is a combination of natural ? certain souls, which have to be sensitive to have certain channels open. But that sensitivity can be misused by the technology of the Archons. All those electronic plasma scalar devices can actually distort that sensitivity in a way which is not comfortable.





Rob – OK. Is it possible to be disconnected from the soul?

COBRA – It is possible and this has actually happened to some members of the cabal?

Rob – You mean when they’re sent to the central sun?

COBRA – No, when they went to different implantation process through different dark rituals and through their life styles and their choices. Some of them have been disconnected gradually and some of them have been disconnected through different experiments in the past

Rob – Okay, that’s interesting, because the soul is who we are that retains it’s individual consciousness through lifetimes. So they take over; the soul is disconnected. The soul is sitting like in some type of prism and it’s actually used as an empty shell through a technology?

COBRA – I would say that in the Cabal’s cases a part of the soul is projected in the ? and that part slowly or fast becomes disconnected and has independent life which is controlled by the elementals, by the spirit possession, by technologies and other things.




Rob – They can.  There are people on another level of implantation and this is kind of a question that I have personally relationship to that.  I’m contacted by people who are very strongly targeted by a more powerful electronic harassment.  Literally where they’ll get burns, and there’s energies running through their electrical circuits and there’s  actually Cabal like vans outside their houses.  Or they go across and they target beams, not invisibly, but like with physical agents and these individuals don’t have anything to do with the Cabal.  Are these mind control subjects.  Why are these people being so heavy harassed.

COBRA – The first possibility is they are MK ultra programmed victims and they expect them to sit back and they have a strong mission that would endanger the Cabal.  Either they have a strong spiritual potential or they have some other potential that they view as a threat from the cabal.  I would give a certain piece of advice here.  Re-locate out of the US, if possible.  And in many instances it is possible.



 U : Can you explain more about how humanity invited the dark forces at the beginning of the quarantine ?

C : Actually there was a certain period in Atlantis when human beings were curious and wanted to experience duality, so they signed contracts in which they volunteered to be implanted, and later also volunteered to invite the dark forces in exchange for more power and material wealth.




ROB  - famous talking about the Archons in control of the reincarnation process.  They say we’re tricked to reincarnate.  Do we have a choice to come into the earth and reincarnate at all or are we kind of have to come back until we achieve a certain frequency or are we literally caught in the ring pass knot where we can not exit the incarnation process – only by ascension?


COBRA – Okay, initially, plus our individual free choice to enter this section of the galaxy, which was considered dangerous, so we consciously took a risk of entering this area to assist in the liberation of this area and this sector included planet earth. And after we entered this area, we got implanted. And since then, we were trapped in the incarnation loop.  So you couldn’t just change your mind and exit this area.  It was not possible.  It’s very, very rare for anybody to be able to leave quarantine earth.  It is extremely rare.So, no matter what anybody wants to say, if people make claims to the contrary, they need to give supporting evidence to that.



Lynn – Can a ‘real’ human soul be implanted by forcing of technology into a clone?

COBRA – It is not a soul that is implanted but the personality which is ensouled is being implanted, various energy bodies can be implanted and unfortunately the physical body also can be implanted.



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