Cobra Interview Quotes "Implants"
1) COBRA: Everybody before incarnation have been subjected to a strong implantation process on the etheric plane which made them forget -It was a trauma of implantation that made a shock. That shock or amnesia ruled that you would not be able to remember when what happened before they incarnate. This is why children cry when they are born. Every incarnation and you get one and after you die if you manage to escape the Archons when you reach the higher astral planes and higher up, those implants begin to disintegrate. Then you get new ones in a new incarnation. This is mostly why people can not remember past incarnations and why they can’t reach their talents and access the wisdom of their past lives. Alexandra: You’re saying, our amnesia is in direct accordance with the implants. COBRA: Yes. It’s a direct consequence of the implants and part of the archon plans. If everyone forgets what they are h...